Apuesta total 2023

Play Apuesta total 2023
    Welcome to SportsLetters!

    Hello sports fan! Welcome to the exciting world of our game, where your vocabulary and sports knowledge will be a real test!

    Rules of the game:

    You are given a set of random letters from which you need to make sports words.
    Words can be formed using only the letters provided. Each letter can only be used once if it occurs several times in a word.
    There is no limit to the number of possible words in each round, so let your imagination run wild and find all the possible combinations!
    For every correct sports word you will get points. The longer and rarer the word, the more points you get.
    You have limited time for each round, so act quickly and accurately to score as many points as possible!
    Why SportsLetters by the developers of Apuesta Total is so addicting:

    We have nothing to do with the Apuesta Total brand and we are not one.

    Learning new words with Apuesta Total: you will expand your vocabulary and learn many sports terms that can be useful in real life or in other games.
    Competition with friends: share your results with your friends and compete in the ability to form words from letters. Who will be the king of SportsLetters?
    Improving intellectual abilities: The game will help develop your logic, quick wits and the ability to find words in a limited time.
    Apuesta Total has a variety of difficulty levels, from simple words to complex sports terms, each level will offer you new challenges.
    Fun and colorful graphics: Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of sports with bright illustrations and friendly game design.
    Get ready for an exciting sports challenge and prove your vocabulary power with SportsLetters! Available to download to your smartphone or tablet. Let's start our journey through the world of sports and words with Apuesta Total!
    Play Tutorial
    Available on devices:
    • Android
    • Smart TV
