Animal Rescue
Embark on an exhilarating Animal Rescue Adventure and immerse yourself in a world teeming with vibrant creatures such as sheep, squirrels, dragons, puppies, and a myriad of other captivating animals. These innocent beings find themselves trapped amidst an intricate maze of puzzle blocks, yearning for liberation from the clutches of wicked pet thieves. Will you rise to the challenge and extend your benevolent hand to their salvation?
In this captivating game, your strategic prowess and quick thinking are indispensable. Form connections between 2 or more blocks of the same color, effectively unraveling the enigmatic levels and setting your beloved pet animals free. Bear in mind, however, that your matching moves are finite, necessitating careful planning to unleash a flurry of block-blasting marvels. Conquer each puzzle with precision and ingenuity, as the clock ticks and the fate of these adorable creatures hangs in the balance.
In this captivating game, your strategic prowess and quick thinking are indispensable. Form connections between 2 or more blocks of the same color, effectively unraveling the enigmatic levels and setting your beloved pet animals free. Bear in mind, however, that your matching moves are finite, necessitating careful planning to unleash a flurry of block-blasting marvels. Conquer each puzzle with precision and ingenuity, as the clock ticks and the fate of these adorable creatures hangs in the balance.
Available on devices:
- Android
- Smart TV