Angry Zombies 2 HD

Play Angry Zombies 2 HD
    = Summon 10 Zombies
    - Use 3 Super Items
    - Destroy 51 Countries
    - Play 3 MiniGames
    - It's a High Quality Game !!!

    [1] Infester
    - the only Zombie which can
    - infect Humans and turn Humans
    - into Zombies

    [2] Splasher
    - Can attack several Humans at once

    [3] Reincarnator
    - Creates Zombies
    - from Human's corpse

    [4] Bomber
    - Explodes and Destroys an area

    [5] Roller
    - Roll everywhere

    [6] Skunk
    - Spray Gas to Humans

    [7] Disguiser
    - Stealth Zombie with a knife

    [8] Medic
    - Protects other Zombies
    - with her magical Barrier

    [9] Doggy
    - Makes Gold from Human's corpse

    [10] Hydra
    - Shoots thorns from distance

    = Extra Slot
    - If you buy Extra Slot once
    - you can download it again
    - in other save files for free
    - Message will say do you want to
    - buy it for $0.99 but just click OK
    - it will soon say you already bought it
    - so it will not charge you again

    = Old Devices
    - If game crashes in old device
    - Reboot your device ( to clear memory )
    - and Use less Zombies
    - 4 kind of Zombies ( who are ready for battle )
    - will use less memory than 6 kind of Zombies

    = More Information
    - you can get more tips at
    - maybe you will get a hint
    - to unlock Hell mode's Chains faster

    = 4 Difficulties
    - Normal Mode : Easy for Everyone
    - Hard Mode : Fun for Everyone
    - Angry Mode : Great for Everyone
    - Hell Mode : Only for the Experts
    - Supports Game Center !!

    = #1 in Brazil 11/09/07
    - SpinOff Game of Angry Zombies
    - "AZT:Teleporter HD" is available Now !!
    Play Tutorial
    Available on devices:
    • IOS
