All City King

Play All City King
All City King is a stealth game where the player takes the role of an up-and-coming street

artist. Your target is the subway trains and your goal is to make your art travel all over the


Some games allow you to heist a bank where you take out the guards and escape with a

giant pay-check. But in All City King, your “bank” is the trains, and your “pay-check” is your

art or whatever message you feel fit to share. Enter the subway quietly, make your mark on

the trains, and get out.

As you start your career as a street artist and after you have learned the ropes, your goal is

to spray paint subway cars in increasingly difficult missions. Sneak past patrolling security

guards, leave your mark on subway trains, and watch as your masterpiece leaves the


Music by: Lars Bjerkholt Skotnes
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Available on devices:
  • Windows
