灵界 Sprites(测试版)

Play 灵界  Sprites(测试版)
What kind of work is it?
This is an experimental horror game.

The work tells about the hero's survival in a desolate town.

It includes collecting hidden cards in crisis towns, finding cards hidden in corners and other places, getting weapons, defeating monsters, and the whole game is mainly about finding and unlocking cards.How to save money by playing with works? If you want to save your money, you can see that 40% of the off label is then purchased.

Steam Platform's Spiritual World is more used for the collection of players. All the revenue generated from the sale on the PC will be invested in the development of the next work Spiritual World 2.What should I do if I don't like the story?
You can give comments in the Team comments section and submit a refund application to Steam Customer Service. Lingjie can complete the entire process in 15 minutes, so Steam Customer Service will agree to each refund request. Your encouragement is our driving force for progress.Xiu'er does not speak. Thank you for experiencing this work.
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Available on devices:
  • Windows


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