史莱姆模拟器游戏 - Slime Simulator App

- 玩超过20种令人爱不释手的史莱姆配方和颜色。
- 使用DIY史莱姆制造器制作自己的史莱姆粘液。混合你喜欢的粘液类型,添加一种颜色,并洒上彩色糖屑和亮粉。
- 享受逼真的模拟,包括各种3D效果。长而坚固的笔触使粘稠的史莱姆变得更粘稠!
- 提高音量,享受柔软史莱姆的奇妙舒适声音。
- 将图像导入并转换为史莱姆。
- 在游戏时记录史莱姆模拟运动。
- 在社交媒体上与朋友和粉丝分享你的史莱姆快照。
史莱姆模拟器免费使用3天,之后每周会收取一定的订阅费,但您可以随时取消。通过苹果商店完成付款。购买后,你将失去任何未使用的免费试用部分。订阅会自动续订。若要取消,请在当前期到期前至少24小时在帐户设置中关闭订阅。付款将在确认购买时从iTunes帐户中扣除。 除非在当前期间结束前至少24小时关闭自动续订,否则订阅会自动续订。 帐户将在当前期间结束前24小时内收取续订费用,并确定续订费用。 订阅可以由用户管理,并且可以通过在购买后转到用户的帐户设置来关闭自动续订。 免费试用期的任何未使用部分(如果提供)将在用户购买该出版物的订阅时(如果适用)被没收。 条款和服务及隐私政策:http://www.solidappsinc.co/terms.html
Squish, stretch, and smash slime for a super simulation without the mess!
Want in on the latest slime craze sweeping both real and virtual playgrounds worldwide? This free app is your gateway to a strangely satisfying, relaxing and fun simulation where you can explore all the squishy and fluffy qualities of slime right on your phone. Choose from among built-in recipes of the realistic goo, or play with the DIY maker to learn how to make slime! Challenge yourself with slime games as you poke, squish, or stretch the super malleable substance.
Here’s the low-down:
- Play with over 20 addictive slime recipes and colors.
- Use the DIY slime maker to fabricate your own slime. Mix your favorite slime types, add a pop of color, and sprinkle on glitter.
- Enjoy a realistic simulation for a wide variety of 3D effects. Long, firm strokes make for a more viscous slime!
- Pump up the volume to enjoy the curiously comforting sound of squishy slime.
- Import and transform your images into slime.
- Record slime simulated movement as you play.
- Share snapshots of your slime with friends and followers on social media.
This app delivers all the satisfaction of slime play without the mess and chemicals! So what are you waiting for? Let’s get sliming.
- 玩超过20种令人爱不释手的史莱姆配方和颜色。
- 使用DIY史莱姆制造器制作自己的史莱姆粘液。混合你喜欢的粘液类型,添加一种颜色,并洒上彩色糖屑和亮粉。
- 享受逼真的模拟,包括各种3D效果。长而坚固的笔触使粘稠的史莱姆变得更粘稠!
- 提高音量,享受柔软史莱姆的奇妙舒适声音。
- 将图像导入并转换为史莱姆。
- 在游戏时记录史莱姆模拟运动。
- 在社交媒体上与朋友和粉丝分享你的史莱姆快照。
史莱姆模拟器免费使用3天,之后每周会收取一定的订阅费,但您可以随时取消。通过苹果商店完成付款。购买后,你将失去任何未使用的免费试用部分。订阅会自动续订。若要取消,请在当前期到期前至少24小时在帐户设置中关闭订阅。付款将在确认购买时从iTunes帐户中扣除。 除非在当前期间结束前至少24小时关闭自动续订,否则订阅会自动续订。 帐户将在当前期间结束前24小时内收取续订费用,并确定续订费用。 订阅可以由用户管理,并且可以通过在购买后转到用户的帐户设置来关闭自动续订。 免费试用期的任何未使用部分(如果提供)将在用户购买该出版物的订阅时(如果适用)被没收。 条款和服务及隐私政策:http://www.solidappsinc.co/terms.html
Squish, stretch, and smash slime for a super simulation without the mess!
Want in on the latest slime craze sweeping both real and virtual playgrounds worldwide? This free app is your gateway to a strangely satisfying, relaxing and fun simulation where you can explore all the squishy and fluffy qualities of slime right on your phone. Choose from among built-in recipes of the realistic goo, or play with the DIY maker to learn how to make slime! Challenge yourself with slime games as you poke, squish, or stretch the super malleable substance.
Here’s the low-down:
- Play with over 20 addictive slime recipes and colors.
- Use the DIY slime maker to fabricate your own slime. Mix your favorite slime types, add a pop of color, and sprinkle on glitter.
- Enjoy a realistic simulation for a wide variety of 3D effects. Long, firm strokes make for a more viscous slime!
- Pump up the volume to enjoy the curiously comforting sound of squishy slime.
- Import and transform your images into slime.
- Record slime simulated movement as you play.
- Share snapshots of your slime with friends and followers on social media.
This app delivers all the satisfaction of slime play without the mess and chemicals! So what are you waiting for? Let’s get sliming.
Available on devices: